Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Spirit of Jezebel

What Can We Learn from Jezebel?

Jezebel is a name synonymous with evil. Jezebel is the model of the wicked woman. So famous is her name that to this day, no one names their baby daughter Jezebel.To call a woman a Jezebel is the greatest insult imaginable. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, a priest of the cruel, sensuous, false god Baal. Ethbaal, the priest-king of Tyre who murdered his own brother to take over the throne, was hardly a good father figure. But Jezebel followed in her father’s footsteps and was herself a power-hungry murderess who stopped at nothing to get what she wanted.

The king of Israel at the time was Ahab—a weak, self-pitying man who abdicated his authority to his bride, the princess Jezebel. In spite of God’s laws forbidding idolatry and the worship of any god but Jehovah, Ahab married this princess who brought to Israel with her hundreds of priests of lewd Baal worship, a cult that tended to destroy manhood and drag womanhood into shame. Jezebel was such a domineering person that she soon became master over her weak husband. One of her first acts was to order the extermination of the prophets of Jehovah (1 Kings 18:4, 13) and set up altars to Baal. So pervasive was her idolatrous influence in Israel that Jesus later used her name to refer to a woman who led the church at Thyatira into immorality and the worship of false gods (Revelation 2:20).

Jezebel’s strongest enemy was the great prophet Elijah, who defied her and opposed her evil rule. First, he pronounced the punishment of God upon Israel in the form of a drought that lasted three years ( James 5:17). This culminated in a contest on Mount Carmel between the powers of Israel’s true God and the Baals. After the 850 priests of Baal spent the day beseeching their gods with wailing and self-mutilation to end the drought, all to no avail, Elijah prayed to his omnipotent God, who responded by accepting the sacrifice, having the false prophets slaughtered, and providing an abundance of rain (1 Kings 18:16–46). Instead of acknowledging the awesome power of the one true God, Jezebel was enraged and vowed to kill Elijah (1 Kings 19:1–2). Elijah fled from her wrath to the wilderness (1 Kings 19:3–8).

In the meantime, Jezebel was proving herself to be the greedy, murderous, evil woman she truly was. A righteous man named Naboth owned a vineyard next to Ahab’s palace. Ahab offered to buy the vineyard, but Naboth, honoring God’s command to keep inheritances within the family, rightly refused to sell. Ahab became “sullen and angry” and went home to sulk on his bed. Jezebel ridiculed him for his weakness and told him to cheer up for she would get the vineyard for him. She plotted with two lying scoundrels to have Naboth falsely accused and denounced and then put to death. Then she calmly declared to Ahab that the vineyard was his (1 Kings 21:1–16). Here we see the formula for a disastrous marriage: a weak, childish man who allows his evil, domineering wife to rule the home. This is the exact opposite of God’s plan for marriage: a loving husband who leads his family, and whose care for his wife mirrors that of Christ for his church (Ephesians 5:25–26, 28–29), and a godly woman who submits to her husband “as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22), each submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians5:21; Colossians 3:18–19; 1 Peter 3:7).

As with all who defy the Lord, Jezebel’s end was not a pretty one, although it was more gruesome than most, perhaps as an object lesson to all who set themselves up against the one true God. Her doom was sure, having been prophesied by Elijah in 1 Kings 21:23. Even as she saw her death approaching, she remained defiant to the end, painting her face and adorning herself in queenly garments. She looked out the window and shouted her defiance to Jehu, the next king of Israel who came to take his throne (2 Kings 9:30-37). Jehu commanded her to be thrown out the window to her death, where she was trampled by the horses’ hooves and almost entirely consumed by dogs. Her thirty years of tyranny over Israel had ended. The terror visited upon Jezebel was a testimony to the Israelites, and to us, that God’s power is supreme and those who defy Him will meet a terrible end.
—S. Michael Houdmann, Got Questions? Bible Questions Answered, Winepress Publishing viaweb (http://www.gotquestions.org/life-Jezebel.html)
Other key scriptures: 1 Kings 16:31, 1 Kings 18:19, 1 Kings 21:1–16, 1 Kings 21:17–29.

Then Jehu went to Jezreel. When Jezebel heard about it, she put on eye makeup, arranged her hair and looked out of a window. As Jehu entered the gate, she asked, “Have you come in peace, you Zimri, you murderer of your master?”
He looked up at the window and called out, “Who is on my side? Who?” Two or three eunuchs looked down at him. “Throw her down!” Jehu said. So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot.
Jehu went in and ate and drank. “Take care of that cursed woman,” he said, “and bury her, for she was a king’s daughter.” But when they went out to bury her, they found nothing except her skull, her feet and her hands. They went back and told Jehu, who said, “This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah the Tishbite: On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs will devour Jezebel’s flesh. Jezebel’s body will be like dung on the ground in the plot at Jezreel, so that no one will be able to say, ‘This is Jezebel.’”
2 Kings 9:7–37 (niv)

Now that we’ve taken a deep look into the life of Jezebel, we can see three major pitfalls on display. I will define each of these, and then we will close out this section of the book. We must understand that Jezebel fulfilled every curse that was handed out to Eve. We must use the works of Jezebel as a warning, as to what behaviors and practices to stay away from. In the New Testament, there are two women spoken of as to leading men and the church astray

And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write, “These things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass: ‘I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first. Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.

‘Now to you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not have this doctrine, who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I will put on you no other burden. But hold fast what you have till I come. And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations “He shall rule them with a rod of iron; They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter’s vessels” as I also have received from My Father; and I will give him the morning star.
‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”’
Revelation 2:18–29 (nkjv)

The beginning all the way to the end of the Holy Bible speaks of the destructive influence of the curse of Eve. From Genesis to the first and second Kings, the Holy Bible has laid out the warning of following this Jezebel spirit that has led so many astray. Even the Lord’s elect will follow the seductive ways of Jezebel.

The Lord warns his seven churches of this evil spirit with his warning to the church of Thyatira: “Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.” We all know that the book of Revelation is one that is overflowing with divine revelations. The Lord warns of the false prophetess who will try to teach the Lord’s servants to commit sexual immorality. What is sexual immorality? This is when one has sex with a woman who is not his wife; in other words, it’s to commit adultery or fornication.

This Jezebel spirit will lead the “bond servants” of the Lord away from the bride of Jesus—that is, his church—and they will become one with the harlot who is Satan. She will teach a doctrine that will tickle the ears of the elect servants of the Lord. Who are these elect servants? These are the servant apostles, guardian apostles, bishops, and prophets. These servants will bow down to this Jezebel spirit and then will ordain and appoint these prophetesses to lead and guide the men of the Lord’s church. This false prophetess who is led by the Jezebel spirit will lead those who can’t discern the presence of the Lord to a sure death just as the woman led Adam to a sure death.

Now what does the scripture mean when Jesus said, “Eat things sacrificed to idols”? The revelation of things sacrificed to idols. Notice that it didn’t say foods here; it said “things.” Other versions use the word meats for things. How do we eat spiritually? We consume the Bread of Life, which is Christ. Jesus was sacrificed by God for the atonement of all sins. Any other word contrary to the Holy Bible is a meat sacrificed to an idol; all idols lead to Satan.

We must remember that Jesus is the living word. Jesus is the word made flesh. These meats or things sacrificed to idols are in parable referring to doctrine or teachings that have been sacrificed to idols. And we must understand that these many idol gods lead to many different roads, and these roads lead to sure and promised death. All other roads that don’t lead to Jesus Christ lead to Satan’s home, which is the eternal lake of fire. Jesus is the only way to the Father who is in heaven. I will dig deeper into this section of Revelation in future writings concerning the Lord’s church. But until then, read this scripture in its entirety about a dozen times so that you allow the Holy Spirit to give you revelation. This is the only way we will find our ears. Find our ears? Yes, find our ears! At the conclusion to every warning to the seven churches, the Lord says this familiar phrase: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” This message is not just for the church of Thyatira, it’s for any church or any person who has an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit of the Lord is saying. Now ask the Holy Spirit to help you find your ears!

The Jezebel Trinity of Immorality

Idolatry is eidololatreia in Hebrew and is defined as “the worship of idols; the worship of images that are not God.” It is image-worship or divine honor paid to any created object. Paul describes the origin of idolatry in Romans 1:21–25 when men forsook God and sank into ignorance and moral corruption (Romans 1:28). One form of idolatry is fetishism, or the worship of trees, rivers, hills, stones, and other items. This includes nature worship— the worship of the sun, moon, and stars as the supposed powers of nature. Another form of idolatry is hero worship, the worship of deceased ancestors or of heroes. Synonyms for idolatry are devotion, veneration, cultism, idol worship, dedication, loyalty, and supplication.”  

Division or dissension is dichostasia in Hebrew and means “division or sedition.” Dissensions are also a disagreement among those expected to cooperate. Dissension is also a conflict of people’s opinions, actions, or characters. Division is “the act or process of dividing anything into parts.” Synonyms for division are part, section, variance, class, partition, segmentation, discord, phylum, league, and separation.

Control, or sorcery, is defined as “witchcraft, divination by the assistance of evil spirits, or the power of commanding evil spirits, necromancy, or enchantment.” Synonyms for control or sorcery are control condition, dominance, ascendance, restraint, command, mastery, controller, activity, criterion, discipline, disembodied spirit, power, powerfulness, relation, skillfulness, spirit, standard, and status. Synonyms for witchcraft are witchery, black art, and black magic. Synonyms for necromancy are divination, foretelling, fortune-telling, magic, soothsaying, and thaumaturgy. And synonyms for enchantment are captivation, enthrallment, fascination, spell, trance, bewitchment, mental state, unconsciousness, and beguilement.

Copyright: Tenfold Ministry by Paul Travis / Tate Publishing

Blog by Heaven Waits


In the Bible, Jezebel was a powerful, wicked queen, and wife of a passive king called Ahab. She was a false prophetess who worshiped the false god, Baal. Baal was the god of prosperity, god of the harvests, god of fertility and sex. (Does this sound like some of the modern day gospels that some people preach?)
Child sacrifices were common. She was killed by several eunuchs at the order of commander Jehu.
Jezebel was a witch, and her spirit of witchcraft is still in operation today in the church, and in the world. It will take both a Jehu and the cooperation of the injured victims (spiritual eunuchs) to kill her again.

The Jezebel spirit is sociopathic. Behaviors you might see (3 or more):

1. They gain power by destroying others. It is like an adrenalin rush when they “win” over someone. They manage to get in positions of authority, and are difficult to displace, once there.

2. They are controlling, manipulative, bossy.
3. they can either be war-like in their personalities, so that they are intimidating,
so “sweet,” “perfect,” deceitful, “timid” and sneaky, they are able to fool and recruit others to join them. Sometimes they can be very charming and charismatic.

4. critical of others, vicious to the point of bloodthristy.

5. they are never wrong.

6. They recruit others in their charges against their victims. They act to persuade recruits, and do not give up this activity until the recruits are won over. If the potential recruits do not cooperate and buy into things, this angers them.

7. they are narcissic. While they can tend to be oversensitive themselves, they have no concern for the feelings of others. They are not sympathetic to their victims, and tend to play the role of victim themselves, in order to gain sympathy. This way the real victim is left stranded, and opposed by others if they ask for help. Being the center of attention really pleases them.

8. they lie, and they believe their own lie. Avoiding the truth, or intentionally acting to withhold truth is part of this. false picture is presented to others.

9. impulsive, failure to plan ahead. chaotic at times

10. lack of remorse after hurting someone. they justify the harm.

11. consistent irresponsibility.

12. irritability, aggressiveness (open , or subtle), can be quick tempered.

13. failure to conform to social norms. person is an “outlier” or non-conformist. has their own ways.

14. psychological counseling will not help, since they deny what they are.

15. claims to religious sentiments, but very superficial in devotion. Born-again status is debatable, and unlikely, but would have to be evaluated on an individual basis.

16. usually women, but can be men. The women tend to control their men with sex. And they pick passive men (Ahabs) so they can dominate them.

17. usually married. If single, could be lesbian, homosexual man, or promiscuous man.

18.  They falsely accuse you, and they do NOT forgive you …..

How to break this spirit:

**since these individuals usually have achieved some level of authority, only someone who outranks them, or a group effort will work. If you are a woman, you need to strong and self confident. If you are a man, you need to be the same, and also not be influenced by threats or tears out of a woman. You also need to have enough male hormone to stand up to her. Also, if you are a man, and this is your wife, be sure the men in your support group can be trusted with her.

1. be sure you are not enabling this person; ie. you are not an “Ahab”

2. gather facts about the person’s activity and behavior, be able to prove it. you have to start by addressing real behavior. you cannot start by telling someone “they have a spirit.” Be prepared to question the person why they behave that way. Make a list of wrongs. Be prepared.

3. gather witnesses, who are also sincere believers (if in a church setting), or other credible authority figures, because the person will attack back, and deny everything. The aggressive types will use their authority to abuse, criticize, & threaten you, and try to have you discredited, or removed. The more sneaky types go into “victim hood” mode, immediately trying to solicit and recruit support, and make you look like you are the abusive one.

4. isolate the person. make sure their own recruits (buddies) are not around. It gets its power from others….so if you get it alone, it is more vulnerable, and more easily defeated. You have to remove the source of its power and “gang up” on it.

5. confront the person with the facts. – expect denial. They will lie through their teeth!!

6. Reject the person’s behavior based on the facts. Tell the person they will not be accepted back into the group unless they repent.

7. If the person repents – showing willingness to change- then
a. Church setting – as a group, bind and cast out the demonic spirit in Jesus name, and persist until it is gone.Expect high resistance, since it is a controlling (witch) spirit. There will be screaming and yelling before it is cast out. It will try to attack you and call you names. Also, expect and ignore plays of “victim hood” during deliverance. Sometimes the spirit cycles between being the attacker, and being a victim. This is to confuse you, so do not give in.
b. secular setting – document records, give warning that future behavior will be monitored. This is because their basic nature has not changed yet, and an eventual repeat of behavior will occur. If it does, the person needs to be fired.

8. Once the spirit is gone, the person needs support and counseling to examine how the spirit entered to begin with, so they can close the door on further attempts by the spirit to enter.

9. If the person does NOT repent, then cut off ties with the person, telling them forgiveness and deliverance is available to them. If you do not cut off ties, they will worry you to death and destroy your peace.
As one commenter stated: The Jezebel needs to learn the meaning of the word “NO!!!!!!!!!“

*** So far, what has been explained is how to identify and possibly stop its activity. Understanding the roots of the Jezebel, and Healing for the person who has this spirit requires more insight. See the last link below for how to heal and deliver a fallen Jezebel.

The Roots of Jezebel


Babies are born to be normal, loving beings. This is to examine why anyone, like a Jezebel, would turn evil, or be open to an evil presence, that would dominate their thinking. Scripture says we war not against “flesh,” but against (evil) spirits, and principalities in high places. We have to remember that Jezebel is a spirit that infects people, who are victims as much as those people they damage by their behavior.
First, it is important to control or arrest the damage that the infected person is creating. But we should not stop there. We should examine the roots of the problem with the person, and help deliver them out of this situation, if possible. If we can get to the root of why someone has a Jezebel spirit, then we may be able to help free them from that overpowering influence, and help them to recover. Otherwise, the salvation and eternal destiny of their souls is at stake.
Common ways to open the door to this spirit:

1. Abandonment of father, and loss of spiritual and physical protection. This past century, the absence of the father in the home is not just economic. A little child, a girl especially, needs to have a strong male image that teaches her that she is valuable, loved, protected. When this male covering is gone, their life seems out of control and hurtful. The child will immediately go into a mode of self protection, learning ways to control its environment, to avoid further pain and harm. The mother may seem inadequate in some cases, and the child may see the mother as the one who sent daddy away, and therefore responsible for her pain. If the mother is a traditional, stay at home mom, then the child learns that this mother cannot protect her as they feel needed, and they grow up viewing traditional women as weak and incompetent. The mother was not good enough to “keep her man.” If the mother is abusive, then this makes women the enemy forever. If the mother is a “liberated woman” in the liberal sense, the child learns that only women are powerful, and only they should be trusted and bonded with. If the mother has values that are against traditional moral values, then the child will end up on the slippery slope into lesbianism/homosexuality. If daddy seems to make it known that he left for another woman, or that he openly expresses his interpretation and value of love as sexual, then the child will learn that to get daddy’s love, it is sex that will get his attention.This lesson will be transferred to other men that a girl (or a boy) will want to be involved with. The child will look for love “in all the wrong places,” and will use sex, not love, to lure others, since they do not know what true, godly love from a male figure is really like.

2. Child abuse. Child abuse, especially sexual, since it is so intimate, has permanent consequences.….the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN), part of the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services compiles data about the number of cases reported to Child Protective Services (CPS) each year, but the fact is the number of reported cases is small compared with the number of actual cases. We can reason this by looking at several studies which asked adults about childhood abuse. Adults are more likely to report their own childhood abuse, because they no longer live in fear of immediate retaliation from the abuser and they have had time to recover from the psychological effects of living in an abusive household.
A study conducted at a large managed care organization in the northeast, which examined the differences in annual health care costs between women with and without histories of abuse, found that “childhood abuse and neglect histories were reported by 42.8% of the women in this HMO sample (sexual abuse: 18.4%; physical abuse: 14.2%; emotional abuse: 24.1%; emotional neglect: 21.1%; physical neglect: 12.2%), with about half of these women meeting severity criteria for more than one type of maltreatment.”
See more here for definitions and signs of abuse, and effects on adults:http://www.findcounseling.com/journal/child-abuse/child-abuse-statistics.html
The effects, but not all, include disturbances in sexual interest; difficulties during sexual contact; dysfunctions of desire, arousal or orgasm; seductive behaviors, compulsive activity and prostitution; precocious sexual behavior; confusion of sexuality and nurturing behavior; anxiety; self-destructive behavior; relationship problems; re-victimization.
We can see how the doors to the Jezebel spirit are being opened here, since she is known by many of these traits. The abused child will understand sex as physical stimulation only, and will disassociate love, intimacy, and trust from the experience. Thus others become objects of stimulation and gratification. There is no place for a real relationship, because they do not understand what one is.

3. An already established Ahab father, Jezebel mother in a family.
Children can get their identity from their parents, who are the role models.

4. In both cases 1 and 2, there is a lot of anger, rage, and bitterness. There are memories that have never healed, and the person cannot forgive those in their past. This un-forgiveness subconsciously motivates every decision made regarding relationships. Trust is gone, and the person may hold suspicion of everyone that resembles those that betrayed them from an earlier time. The younger and more vulnerable the child is when things go wrong, and the more repeated the injury, the more angry the adult will become. This anger “energy” at the past, that was out of control for them, will be channeled into controlling everything in their present and future. The un-forgiveness acts as a self defense mechanism, since they are acting to prevent further injury by hurting others first, to “disarm the enemy.”

5. Abusive relationships in adulthood. If the childhood was normal, but the person made a bad choice, then usually the person can recover more quickly, and not degenerate into sociopathic behaviors. But, if the person is influenced by negative people around her who misadvise her, and cause her to adopt their views, then there is trouble. However, I think if the person can obtain good counsel later, this mindset can be reversed. If the abusive adult relationships reinforce the childhood abuse, this more deeply ingrains the Jezebel spirit that has infected the person.

6. Lack of general moral values in home growing up, or early social influences outside the home which contradict morality. If there are no moral values taught in the home as to right and wrong, then any value set can arise, which is totally demonic or anti-social. The outside influences include schools, teachers, and fellow classmates, who may come from non-ethical backgrounds. If teachers for example, usurp the authority of the parents, and teach values contrary to the moral values of the home, then the parents can be undermined, and the child can go out of control, and turn into a nightmare for the parents. A good example of this is teaching that homosexuality is acceptable to children as an alternative lifestyle. This moral corruption of children will lead to aberrant behavior later, especially since they are being taught that their parent’s morals are a lie, and they can rebel against the parents if they wish to. Early influences also include those from the media, where immorality and violence is celebrated. Any child who learns early on that there is no God or no morals, and there is no one to answer to for their behavior, ends up creating their own rules. The “do what you want” attitude is godless, and can lead to anything, even murder.

7.     Basic personality type- Even in childhood, we see different personality types.  Some children seem more aggressive and dominant, and others are more shy and passive.  Discipline and positive guidance is needed to guide the children to develop proper social skills, and to bring out strengths of each one. If a lack of discipline occurs, the child may go in a direction that is more self–oriented or more self-destructive.  We call the child “spoiled” for this reason.  When the basic personality type is coupled with a bad environment, then there will be trouble, and they will lack appropriate social skills, and use their own ideology of how things should be done.

The aggressive Jezebel usually comes from 1,2 and 4. The more sneaky charming Jezebel usually comes from number 3 and 5.

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