Thursday, February 6, 2014

2014 Super Bowl Halftime Show: What Happened in the Spirit!

Super Bowl Halftime Show:

Being an ex-football player, I truly enjoy sports especially football. The Super Bowl is the biggest and most exciting sport event of them all.  This year I even decided to tune in for the Half Time show which I usually don’t even bother to watch. I must admit that I’ve herd of Bruno Mars but can’t say that I have listened to any of his music. I said all that to say that I don’ t know anything about him, what songs he sings and anything else. My first exposure to him was this resent Super Bowl performance. The performance was actually very musical and entertaining; being a musician myself I am a pretty good critic when it comes to music. The lights and the effects were awesome as well.  I must admit that at first glance, I was very impressed and even in awe of the performance. During the week I had even caught myself singing this very popular and captivating song and couldn’t understand why.


Today I asked myself why am I feeling led to sing the lyric and hum the beat of this song from the Super Bowl halftime show. I said to myself “ why is this song stuck in your mind”.  And I answered myself  and said “ I don’t know”. Please don’t turn your nose up to me; many of you have deeper conversations then this one with yourself so don’t judge me. But anyway! I looked up Bruno Mars and this catchy song and found that the song is entitled “LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN”. I said to myself again “hold up, wait a minute, did I just read that correctly”.  In awe again I said to myself “I can’t believe that I was actually humming this melody that was in my head”. Humbly I say that I pray, worship, meditate in scripture daily, but why does humming and singing this song feel so right and comes to my thoughts so often.


So I prayed and repented before the Lord and pleaded to have the Lord correct and speak to me regarding this and He did just what I asked of Him. I was led to look up the lyrics to this song “LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN”. Back when I was in bands I used to be the one who looked up and printed out the lyrics, so I know all about finding song lyrics and charts.  If the title of the song isn’t frightening enough the lyrics will blow you away. Let’s take a look!


1st Verse


“Never had much faith in love or miracles”

[Note: the reference to Love would be God who is Love.  The greatest miracle of them all would be the resurrection of Christ Jesus. In other words he is confessing that he has never had faith in God or salvation through Christ Jesus.]


“ Never wanna put my heart on the line”


[Note: Basically this is a confession of unforgiveness, pride and selfishness.]


“But swimming in your waters is something spiritual”


[Note: The song writer is saying that fornication which is to have sex with a person who is not your spouse is spiritual. This is a confession of making sex an idol god.]


 "I'm gonna get every time you spend the night”


[Note: A spouse doesn’t just spend the night, but lives and dwells with you.]


“Cause your sex takes me to paradise

 Yeah your sex takes me to paradise”


[Note: This simply implies that this sex or fornication will take them to paradise, but the paradise that The Holy Bible speaks of is Heaven. Now why would the song be titled “LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN” if he’s talking about sex taking him to “paradise”. There is only two places we all can go Heaven or Hell. And worshiping fornication will secure our place in hell due to lust of the flesh. The next verse will make this clear.


“And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah

 Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven

 For too long, for too long

 Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven

 For too long, for too long”


[Note: Now this is where the singer is leading listeners into confession of being “LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN”. We must remember who was locked out of heaven. For those of you who don’t know (Satan, the demons that followed him, the wicked and those who reject Christ).  Remember this line!


2nd Verse



“You bring me to my knees

 You make me testify”


[Note: Now it’s just flagrant. Remember when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, Satan tried to persuade Jesus to bow down on His (Jesus) knees and worship him (Satan). That’s in the Holy Bible.


“You can make sinner change his ways”


[Note: So the songwriter now says that having sex or fornication will make a sinner change his ways. He said make a sinner change his ways, but Jesus takes sins away. Changing or swapping sins is not having sins removed. This is false salvation and a lie


“Open up your gates cause I can't wait to see the light

 And right there is where I wanna stay”


[Note: Who’s gates? And I’m sure that the true Light (Jesus) that came into this world to defeat death will not be in that place. Next the song writer is leading the listeners into a place of saying I want to say in hell.]


 “Cause your sex takes me to paradise

 Yeah your sex takes me to paradise

 And it shows, yeah, yeah, yeah”


[Note: Again reaffirming that sex and fornication is the focus of worship.]


“Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven

 For too long, for too long

 Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven

 For too long, for too long”


[Note: Same lines from earlier in the song repeated second time. Now I’m sure you’ll get the theme for the remainder of the song.]



“Oh oh oh oh, yeah, yeah, yeah

 Can't I just stay here

 Spend the rest of my days here


Oh oh oh oh, yeah, yeah, yeah

 Can't I just stay here

 Spend the rest of my days here


“Cause you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven

 For too long, for too long


Yeah you make feel like, I've been locked out of heaven

 For too long, for too long”


[Note: Same confession of being “locked out of heaven a third time. It is typical in witchcraft that in order to receive the curse you must agree to it 3 times. Now how do you agree with it. By just singing along to the catchy chorus of the song which appear throughout the song]


“Oh yeah yeah yeah


 Oh yeah yeah

 Oh yeah yeah yeah



I just gave you an example of how some secular songs can introduce curses, control and witchcraft into the world. The Holy Bible says that “faith comes by hearing”.  To hear this song repeated will build your faith in it. Didn’t the song start off by saying “Never had much faith in love or miracles”.

To sing, listen to and recite this song brings us into agreement with Satan. The songwriter has taken listeners into direct conversation with Satan.


In this song you confessed the following:


  • Not having faith in God and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah
  • I will be unforgiving and selfish; and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah
  • I’ll make sex and fornication my idol god; and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah
  • I’ll commit adultery and fornication; and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah
  • Sex and fornication if my eternal life’s pleasure; and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah
  • I’ll bow down and worship Satan; and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah
  • I’ll tell others that I have bowed down to Satan; and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah
  • Satan, can change our ways; and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah
  • Then asked Satan to open up the gates of hell because you want to stay there; and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah
  • Three time you asked to be locked out of heaven; and the answer you gave “Oh yeah yeah yeah




“Father God who are in heaven, hollowed be your name.  I pray that all who have been placed in bondage be released and set free from the snares of Satan. Christ Jesus is Lord and King. Lord your people shall turn from the wicked one and be submitted to Christ Jesus. In Jesus name we pray Amen!



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